Return policy


If the return is caused by the consumer, consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.

If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or not correct, and the consumer is not required to bear the shipping fee for this reason.


We accept order cancellation before the product is shipped or produced. If the order is cancelled you will get full refund. We cannot cancel the order if the product is already shipped out.

Applicable conditions for returns and refunds

Within one week after the customer receives the product, if the product is damaged, we can unconditionally return it for a refund, or resend it, if the product is intact, we would not accept the return request. Color shading is unavoidable, we will do our best to minimize it.

Time period for accepting returns

We will send you a return label. The goods must have our return label, otherwise we will not receive the return and will not refund。The warehouse can accept returns at any time

How soon will the user receive the refund

We will refund within 2-3 days after receiving the goods

Return address

C/O 1521 E Francis St, Suite B  Ontario, CA91761 USA
ATTN:  CE Center+601
TEL: 7322088878
Email:  [email protected]